Thursday, 31 January 2013

Great guests and Big D visiting

Skiing with Big-D (Dereck) a mate from uni and his friend Martin up at the top of the Fornet glacier

Post night out with Moet in Dicks Tea Bar... not feeling their best

Back in the Folie, standard day off

Met my guests in the Folie as well, the beginning of quite a lot of drinks which started here, then moved onto Le Petit Danois for many trays of Jäger and Toffee vodka then takeaway pizza back at the Chalet

Skiing the 'Hidden Valley' with the guests

Skiing down to Tignes Les Brévières with the lake behind

 Takeaway pizza on the bubble back from Tignes

Some amazing skiing through the avalanche barriers after about a foot of snow, and the link below is an attempt at a cork 3 that went wrong!

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