Thursday, 29 November 2012

Moving In

Training week ended on the 26th with a night out in Saloon, then on the 27th we moved to our new home about 10 minutes up the road- Bellevarde Lodge (not an official address for postage though). Not a bad place to spend 5 months...
(Technically this is two 12 man chalets though- split down the middle. Our accommodation is underneath if you can see a door next to the garage and some windows)

The chalet is really nice, the chalet, decent kitchen for cooking and serving meals for 12 and there's a big open plan dining/ lounge area with this view,

First decent snowfall, 28th November 2012, about 1ft.

This is underneath the chalet where and Charlie sleep, not huge but does the job and has en suite.

Basically the last few days has been deep cleaning the chalet, not the nicest thing to do 8 hours a day (I spent 3 hours with my head in an oven yesterday) but I suppose it has to be done, and if it goes well we've got the promise of skiing on Saturday (1st December) which is when the mountain opens.
If anyone wondered what how much crochery is required to serve up for 12 each day here's a start, and that does include the 4 types of plates and 2 bowls.

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